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Holding Health Care Costs In Check

Holding Health Care Costs In Check

With senior executives consistently declaring that controlling health care costs is a top concern, why haven’t they been satisfied with their efforts to do it? More senior executives, who have not previously reined in these costs, will be forced to initiate or revisit this issue.

While tackling the issue of health care costs, employers will also be dealing with health care reform and the instability of a slowly recovering economy this year. There is no debate that health care costs have been rising every year. Given that this issue has been around for more than a decade and employers have not yet been able to make any meaningful impact, the obvious question is: What are employers doing about health care and what should they be doing to control costs?

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Holding Health Care Costs In Check

Holding Health Care Costs In Check

Managing Health Care Costs with Accountability

“Regardless of where employers are in their annual benefits cycle, the opportunity to save in excess of $1,000 per employee per year persists,” says David Neikrug Chief Executive Officer of Optimatum Solutions LLC. “Plugging the leakage can start today since it does not impact plan design or employees. This white paper details key areas which executives should focus on.”

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