Who We Serve

Sourcing Executives

As a Sourcing executive, you are responsible for acquiring and managing the products and services that your company uses on a daily basis. Frequently, third parties administer these services with little oversight. One of the most challenging aspects of outsourcing any of your processes is effectively managing the relationship.

As a Sourcing executive, you are responsible for acquiring and managing the products and services that your company uses on a daily basis. Frequently, third parties administer these services with little oversight. One of the most challenging aspects of outsourcing any of your processes is effectively managing the relationship and agreements with these various vendors, especially within the HR Supply Chain. Vendor management is critical for:

  • Improving relationships with existing vendors
  • Maximizing value of outsourced services
  • Providing transparency of plan administration

At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do. We provide the necessary expertise required for you to effectively and efficiently manage your HR vendors. Through in-depth forensic analysis of your current vendors we create, implement and monitor a comprehensive action plan to help better manage your agreements and expenses.

Human Resources Executives

At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do. We conduct in-depth analyses of your current benefit vendors – not only ensuring vendor compliance and adherence to guidelines but also identifying categories where plans can be mapped to intended outcomes. We control costs and improve plan administration without changing any of your existing vendor relationships.

The primary directive for Human Resources is to attract qualified applicants and retain valued employees. A competitive benefits package is crucial to achieving that objective. However, rising costs threaten Human Resources’ ability to provide those benefits. Proper vendor management can:

  • Maintain benefit levels without shifting costs to employees
  • Retain existing vendor relationships
  • Improve vendor performance

At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do. We conduct in-depth analyses of your current benefit vendors – not only ensuring vendor compliance and adherence to guidelines, but also identifying categories where plans can be mapped to intended outcomes. We control costs and improve plan administration without changing any of your existing vendor relationships. By creating, implementing, and continuously monitoring a comprehensive action plan to help better manage your agreements and expenses, Optimatum allows you continue providing the programs necessary to attract and retain quality employees.

Audit Executives

Internal Audit is about driving efficiency, effectiveness and control in the business. In the HR Supply Chain, opportunities abound in vendor management processes and resulting vendor performance. The second largest expenditure for most organizations is the cost of employee benefit plans. All companies, regardless of size or industry, need to control these costs.

Internal Audit is about driving efficiency, effectiveness and control in the business. In the HR Supply Chain, opportunities abound in vendor management processes and resulting vendor performance.

The second largest expenditure for most organizations is the cost of employee benefit plans. All companies, regardless of size or industry, need to control these costs. Most companies lack the internal resources and experience necessary to properly manage their HR Supply Chain. Vendor management is critical to:

  • Increasing efficiency
  • Holding vendors accountable
  • Improving existing relationships with current vendors

At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do. Through improving relationships with your existing vendors and in depth analyses of your current plans, we address the “leaky faucets” of your outsourced services. This allows us to create, implement, and monitor a comprehensive action plan to help better manage your agreements and expenses. These savings will drive efficiency, increase margins, and provide liquidity for investments in infrastructure or market expansion.

Finance Executives

The second largest expenditure for most organizations is the cost of employee benefit plans. All companies, regardless of size or industry, need to control these costs. Most companies lack the internal resources and experience necessary to properly manage their vendors. At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do.

The second largest expenditure for most organizations is the cost of employee benefit plans. All companies, regardless of size or industry, need to control these costs. Most companies lack the internal resources and experience necessary to properly manage their vendors. Vendor management is critical to:

  • Increasing efficiency
  • Holding vendors accountable
  • Improving existing relationships with current vendors

At Optimatum, vendor management is what we do. Through improving relationships with your existing vendors and in depth analyses of your current plans, we address the “leaky faucets” of your outsourced services. This allows us to create, implement, and monitor a comprehensive action plan to help better manage your agreements and expenses. These savings will drive efficiency, increase margins, and provide liquidity for investments in infrastructure or market expansion.

M&A Advisor, Banker or Acquirer

Acquisitions are hard – and research has shown that the majority of acquisitions fail to deliver on the investment thesis. At the root cause are challenges in integrating the target staff effectively and seamlessly, resulting in retention and engagement problems. At Optimatum, the HR workstream is what we do. We apply our proven methodologies and toolsets to make sure the integration of the employer sponsored healthcare, retirement plans and HR systems is seamless and transparent to the impacted staff, aligns to the transaction timing, and enables harvesting of post Day One synergies.

It is about getting the deal done.  And your business and/or your reputation is at risk if you don’t do it right.  Then of all the things you need to worry about, like financing the deal, making sure you retain customers, or not breaking the supply chain, there is that HR “stuff” too – that if not done right, puts at risk meeting financing covenants, staying engaged with customers and maintaining the “tribal” knowledge to operate the supply chain successfully.

You need to make sure that the mechanics of getting employees integrated works, the HR vendors are dealt with, and that your systems can handle it; all to make sure that the employees’ employer sponsored healthcare, retirement plans and data continue humming along, while maintaining deal parameters and regulatory compliance.

At Optimatum, program and vendor management is what we do.   We can start pre-deal in supporting your due diligence and the data room.  For example, any unfunded pension liabilities to consider, any non-complaint benefits plans to bite you later?  And what is it going to take to migrate from the target’s programs to your’s, while respecting a purchase agreement that includes something around maintaining comparability of these programs for the target’s employees, at least for some period of time.

Then we drive getting ready for Day One, developing and executing a roadmap to deliver a seamless Day One.  For health and retirement benefits we manage vendors through the transition, ensure the migration of employee data (using our proprietary Data Transfer and Reconciliation Program), and building the road map to identify and execute against the opportunities to deliver the post-Day One synergies.  All done working in tandem with advisors, counsel and key stakeholders.

It lets you and the business focus on getting on with business.